Travel refrigerators - what size to choose?

Nothing is more pleasant than a sip of cold water or drink during a long car trip, which is carried out on a hot summer's day. Although modern cars have air-conditioned compartments, in most cases we will have to use a tourist fridge. For people who love to travel, this is a great solution, as it will be useful in many other situations involving leisure outside the home. What is a tourist fridge and what can it be? You can learn about this below.

Travel refrigerators capacity

At first glance, as it happens, it may seem that the bigger the refrigerator, the better, after all, it can store more drinks and food, as well as liquor for relaxation. However, practice shows that you should not overdo it in this matter. First of all, large tourist refrigerators will be very heavy, which will make them difficult to carry, especially with internal contents.

First, small tourist refrigerators are more convenient, as they can easily be taken on a picnic or vacation on the beach. Secondly, you always need to consider the limited capacity of the trunk of your car. It may turn out that after loading sunbeds, suitcases, as well as many other holiday supplies, there may be little room for the fridge. Therefore, in this situation, the best option will be to buy a tourist refrigerator with more compact dimensions.

The smallest tourist fridges have a capacity of several liters and are suitable for storing several drinks utensils. Their advantage may be quick cooling of the contents, which will allow you to enjoy a cold drink without waiting for a long time to reel. The other thing is perishable goods that will be needed on the road and should persist in low temperatures. In this case, you need to consider the option more in order to meet your needs.

Large compressor or absorption car refrigerators can reach up to 45 litres and are ideal for trucks, holiday homes or yachts. The standard size of a tourist fridge, which will allow you to store basic products, is about 20-30 litres. It's a good trade-off between capacity and usability. It should be remembered that in the case of fridges without power, part of the cargo area will have to be donated for special inserts that are responsible for keeping the temperature low.